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What is orthodontic treatment?

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a process that corrects or repositions the teeth and jaw structure to improve the bite, enhance facial symmetry, enhance aesthetics, and improve overall oral health. This area of treatment blends science and art to provide functional and aesthetic improvements. This article will delve into the principles and types of orthodontic treatment, the choice of treatment timing, periodontal problem response strategies, and common surgeries and tools during the treatment process. It will also show how Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides excellent support in this process.

Definition and Significance of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment, commonly referred to as "braces," is a specialized dental procedure aimed at correcting the alignment of teeth and jawbone structures. Its goal is not only to improve the aesthetics of the smile but also to enhance the functionality of the bite, facial symmetry, and prevent a range of oral health issues that can arise from misaligned teeth. As dental technology advances, orthodontic treatment has gained more capabilities in terms of both aesthetics and functionality, allowing an increasing number of people to improve their quality of life through orthodontics.

Aligning teeth not only improves a patient's smile but also increases chewing efficiency, reduces tooth wear, decreases the risk of tooth loss, and can even enhance speech. Moreover, orthodontic treatment can help prevent plaque buildup, thereby reducing the risk of gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth decay. In the long run, orthodontic treatment can help patients avoid many oral health problems related to misaligned teeth, significantly improving their quality of life.

Orthodontic treatment is used to correct various dental issues such as crowding, misalignment, open bites, deep bites, and crossbites. This treatment can be applied at different ages, but it is most effective during childhood and adolescence because the jawbone is still growing. This allows orthodontists to more easily adjust tooth position and jawbone structure. For adults, while orthodontic treatment may take longer, it can still provide significant improvements.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier plays a crucial role in this process. They provide high-quality dental instruments and materials, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of orthodontic treatment. From braces to brackets, from invisible aligners to dental adhesives, their products cover every aspect of orthodontic treatment. This professional support allows orthodontists to focus on the art and science of treatment without worrying about the quality of instruments and materials.

The significance of orthodontic treatment lies not only in aesthetics but also in overall oral health and functionality. By correcting the alignment of teeth and jawbones, patients can achieve a healthier bite, fewer oral health issues, and a more confident smile. Whether it's for children, adolescents, or adults, orthodontic treatment can bring about positive changes that go beyond mere appearance, contributing to better health.

Types of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment encompasses a wide variety of methods, from traditional fixed braces to modern invisible aligners. Each type has its own specific application and technical requirements, and choosing the right type depends on the patient's dental condition, jawbone structure, age, and treatment goals. Let's delve into the details of the most common types of orthodontic treatment:

Fixed Braces
Fixed braces are the most traditional and widely used type of orthodontic treatment. They are typically made of metal or ceramic, consisting of brackets, archwires, and elastic bands. The advantage of fixed braces is their high strength and broad applicability, allowing them to correct a range of misalignments and malocclusions. However, they require regular appointments for adjustments and may need to be worn for 1 to 3 years.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides various types of fixed braces, including high-quality metal and ceramic brackets. These products are rigorously tested to ensure precision and durability. Ceramic brackets, due to their semi-transparent quality, are more aesthetically pleasing, ideal for patients who prefer less visible braces.

Removable Appliances
Removable appliances are orthodontic devices that can be taken off by the patient, mainly used for children and adolescents, or in the final stages of adult orthodontic treatment as retainers. The benefits of removable appliances include flexibility and convenience, allowing patients to remove them during meals or teeth brushing. Common removable appliances include clear aligners and removable retainers.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier offers a variety of removable appliances, including transparent invisible aligners and removable retainers. These products are not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly, providing patients with convenience and comfort.

Functional Appliances
Functional appliances are designed to correct abnormal jawbone development, primarily used in children and adolescents. At this stage, the jawbone is still growing, and functional appliances can help guide its growth to prevent future misalignments or bite issues. This type of appliance usually requires regular wear and might be combined with fixed braces.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides a range of functional appliances to assist orthodontists in jawbone correction. The high quality and stability of these appliances ensure successful orthodontic treatment.

Surgical Orthodontics
In certain complex cases, orthodontic treatment may require surgical intervention to achieve the best results. This is usually applicable in severe jawbone deformities or misalignment issues, where surgery might involve jawbone repositioning or mandibular lengthening. Surgical orthodontics is a highly specialized form of orthodontic treatment, requiring close cooperation between orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides specialized surgical equipment and instruments for surgical orthodontics, ensuring safety and effectiveness during surgical procedures. This includes jawbone cutting tools, bone fixation devices, and more.

Each type of orthodontic treatment has its unique advantages and applicability. By working closely with orthodontists, patients can choose the most suitable treatment method to achieve the best results. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides comprehensive support throughout this process, ensuring each step is carried out smoothly and effectively.

Choosing the Right Timing for Orthodontic Treatment

Selecting the best timing for orthodontic treatment is a comprehensive process involving various factors such as the patient's age, jawbone development, tooth alignment, and overall oral health. Whether it's for children, adolescents, or adults, choosing the right timing is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and minimize risks.

Children and Adolescents
For children and adolescents, the timing of orthodontic treatment usually aligns with the developmental stages of the jawbone. At this stage, the jawbone is still growing, making it easier to adjust tooth position and jawbone structure. This is the optimal time for orthodontic treatment, as early treatment can correct severe jawbone issues and prevent future misalignments or bite problems.

For children, common orthodontic treatments include functional appliances and fixed braces. Functional appliances are used to guide jawbone growth, while fixed braces are used to correct tooth alignment. During adolescence, fixed braces are more commonly used to correct crowding, misalignment, malocclusions, and other issues.

For adults, orthodontic treatment may be more complex because the jawbone has stopped growing, making tooth movement slower. However, orthodontic treatment is still effective for adults, especially when it comes to correcting tooth alignment, improving bite, and enhancing facial symmetry. Adult orthodontic treatment focuses on correcting tooth misalignment, bite issues, and improving oral hygiene.

The timing of orthodontic treatment is also linked to periodontal health. Before beginning orthodontic treatment, patients should ensure their periodontal health is in good condition to avoid issues like gingivitis and periodontitis during the treatment process. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides professional dental diagnostic equipment, enabling orthodontists to assess the patient's periodontal health and determine the best timing for treatment.

Preparation for Orthodontic Treatment

When choosing the timing for orthodontic treatment, orthodontists usually conduct a series of assessments and examinations, including tooth alignment, jawbone structure, and periodontal health. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides a range of high-quality diagnostic equipment, ensuring orthodontists can accurately assess the patient's oral condition.

These preparatory steps include:
- Oral X-rays: Used to evaluate jawbone structure and tooth position.
- Dental impressions: Helping orthodontists plan the treatment strategy.
- Periodontal examination: Ensuring the patient's periodontal health is in good condition.

With these assessments and examinations, orthodontists can determine the optimal timing for orthodontic treatment, create the appropriate treatment plan, and estimate the duration of treatment. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier supports this process by providing comprehensive diagnostic equipment, ensuring each step is accurate and reliable.

Strategies for Managing Periodontal Issues

During orthodontic treatment, periodontal issues are a significant concern. They can affect the outcome of the treatment or even require the treatment to be paused to address periodontal problems. Therefore, orthodontists must thoroughly evaluate periodontal health before beginning orthodontic treatment, ensuring patients are free from conditions like gingivitis or periodontitis.

Addressing Gingivitis
Gingivitis is one of the most common periodontal issues, usually caused by plaque buildup. For patients with gingivitis, basic periodontal treatment is recommended before beginning orthodontic treatment. This includes cleaning tooth surfaces, removing tartar, and improving oral hygiene habits. After treatment, it's advised to observe for three months to ensure effective plaque control and no inflammation in the gums.

If the patient's gingivitis is under control, orthodontic treatment can proceed. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides professional dental treatment equipment to help orthodontists conduct periodontal health assessments and treatment. These include dental cleaning tools, periodontal probes, and more, ensuring orthodontists can accurately assess gingival health.

Addressing Periodontitis
Periodontitis is a more severe periodontal disease that can lead to tooth loosening and alveolar bone loss. For patients with periodontitis, orthodontic treatment requires greater caution. Before beginning orthodontic treatment, the patient must undergo systematic periodontal treatment, including periodontal surgery, bone augmentation therapy, etc. After periodontal inflammation is controlled, it is recommended to wait 3 to 6 months for re-evaluation, ensuring plaque detection rates are below 20%, and periodontal pockets with BOP positive rates are below 15%.

Orthodontists must pay special attention to the condition of teeth and alveolar bones in patients with periodontitis. During orthodontic treatment, close monitoring of plaque and inflammation is required to prevent further alveolar bone loss. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides a range of specialized equipment for periodontal treatment, supporting orthodontists in performing periodontal surgeries and bone augmentation therapy.

In addition, during orthodontic treatment, special care must be taken with the following:
- Periodontal pocket depth: In locations with pockets deeper than 5 mm, special attention is required.

- Vertical bone resorption: This typically occurs in multi-rooted teeth and root bifurcation areas, requiring caution during orthodontic treatment.
- Aggressive periodontitis: For these patients, orthodontic treatment requires extreme caution, possibly involving long-term use of antimicrobial agents and antibiotics.

Strategies for Addressing Insufficient Bone Quantity

Before beginning orthodontic treatment, if there is insufficient bone quantity, certain surgical strategies may be required to increase bone quantity. This is often used to support tooth movement during orthodontic treatment, preventing tooth displacement or gingival recession. Insufficient bone quantity can lead to orthodontic treatment failure, so it must be addressed promptly.

Gingival Augmentation Surgery
The quantity of attached gingiva is one of the critical factors affecting the success of orthodontic treatment. Attached gingiva refers to the gingival tissue around the teeth, providing support and stability. If the thickness or width of the attached gingiva is insufficient, orthodontic treatment might lead to gingival recession or tooth loosening.

Gingival augmentation surgery is a procedure to increase the thickness or width of attached gingiva, providing additional support. Common surgical techniques include free gingival grafts, subepithelial connective tissue grafts, and coronally positioned flap surgery. These surgeries aim to transplant or reposition gingival tissue to increase the amount of attached gingiva.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides various instruments for gingival augmentation surgery, including surgical tools and dental adhesives. These instruments ensure the accuracy and success rate of the surgery, offering reliable support to orthodontists.

Bone Augmentation Surgery
Bone quantity issues can also arise during orthodontic treatment, especially when tooth movement is involved. If bone quantity is insufficient, orthodontic treatment might lead to tooth displacement or alveolar bone loss. Bone augmentation surgery is a procedure that involves guiding bone tissue regeneration or transplanting bone tissue to increase bone quantity.

Common types of bone augmentation surgery include guided bone tissue regeneration, guided periodontal tissue regeneration, and growth factor therapy. These surgeries aim to promote bone tissue regeneration, providing a stable foundation for orthodontic treatment.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides a range of specialized instruments for bone augmentation surgery, including guided bone tissue regeneration membranes, bone grafting materials, and more. These products ensure the success of bone augmentation surgery, supporting orthodontists in providing sufficient bone quantity for orthodontic treatment.

These surgical strategies help ensure the smooth progression of orthodontic treatment and reduce the risk of problems during treatment. Addressing insufficient bone quantity is crucial for the success of orthodontic treatment, especially for treatment plans that require extensive tooth movement. During these surgical procedures, Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides excellent instrument support, ensuring each step is accurate and successful.

Essential Tools and Techniques in Orthodontic Treatment

In orthodontic treatment, choosing the right tools and techniques is crucial for ensuring the success of the treatment. The quality of various orthodontic materials, braces, and auxiliary tools directly affects the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment and the patient's comfort. Therefore, orthodontists must consider many factors when selecting orthodontic materials, including accuracy, durability, and patient comfort.

Traditional Braces
Traditional braces are the classic option for orthodontic treatment, typically made of metal or ceramic. They consist of brackets, archwires, and elastic bands, used to fix and move teeth. Traditional braces have the advantage of high strength and broad applicability, allowing them to correct various tooth misalignments and malocclusions. However, they can cause some discomfort, especially at the beginning of treatment.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides various types of traditional braces, including high-quality metal brackets and ceramic brackets. These products are rigorously tested to ensure precision and durability. Ceramic brackets are more aesthetically pleasing due to their semi-transparent nature, ideal for patients who prefer less visible braces.

Invisible Aligners
Invisible aligners are a popular orthodontic treatment in recent years, mainly made of transparent materials and nearly invisible. The advantage of this type of orthodontic treatment lies in its aesthetic appeal, convenience, and ability to be removed by the patient. They are particularly suitable for adult orthodontic treatment. Invisible aligners need to be customized to ensure they fit the patient's tooth structure and require regular replacement.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier offers various materials and accessories for invisible aligners, ensuring their quality and comfort. These products are made from high-quality transparent plastic, ensuring the aligners' invisibility and durability. They also offer customization services for invisible aligners, allowing orthodontists to design a suitable treatment plan for each patient.

Orthodontic Attachments
Orthodontic attachments refer to various auxiliary tools and accessories used with braces, including dental adhesives, archwires, elastic bands, and more. These attachments play a crucial role in orthodontic treatment, ensuring the stability and effectiveness of the braces.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides a range of high-quality orthodontic attachments to assist orthodontists in their treatment. These attachments are rigorously tested to ensure stability and durability under various conditions. Dental adhesives are crucial for fixing brackets, and the products from Guangxi Dynasty ensure the stability of brackets during treatment.

By using high-quality orthodontic materials and attachments, orthodontists can provide a better orthodontic treatment experience for their patients. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier offers a range of professional orthodontic tools and techniques, ensuring every step of the treatment process achieves optimal results. This support is crucial for the success of orthodontic treatment and patient satisfaction.


Orthodontic treatment is a complex and multifaceted dental specialty aimed at correcting teeth and jawbone structures to improve bite, facial symmetry, and overall oral health. Throughout the orthodontic treatment process, choosing the right timing, addressing periodontal issues, managing bone quantity, and using high-quality orthodontic materials are essential to ensure the success of the treatment.

Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier provides critical support in this process. They offer a wide range of orthodontic materials and tools, from traditional braces to invisible aligners, from dental adhesives to archwires, from guided bone tissue regeneration membranes to surgical instruments for gingival augmentation surgery. These high-quality products ensure the stability and accuracy of orthodontic treatment, providing orthodontists with reliable technical support.

Through orthodontic treatment, patients can not only achieve a more beautiful smile but also improve bite functionality, reduce tooth wear, decrease the risk of periodontal disease and tooth decay. Orthodontic treatment can be beneficial at different ages, but regardless of timing, selecting the right treatment plan and materials is crucial. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier's support makes orthodontic treatment more reliable and effective, providing orthodontists and patients with a wider range of choices and confidence.

Ultimately, the success of orthodontic treatment depends not only on the skill and experience of orthodontists but also on the quality of the materials and techniques used. Guangxi Dynasty Dental Medical Equipment Supplier ensures that orthodontists and patients have access to the best products, providing a solid foundation for successful orthodontic treatment. Whether it's traditional braces or invisible aligners, periodontal surgeries or bone augmentation surgeries, this supplier offers the necessary support to make each step of the orthodontic treatment process a success.

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Post time: May-09-2024