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DR-001 Intelligent Health Monitoring Robot Was Unveiled at The 13th Congress of Changsha Association for Science and Technology

DR-001 Intelligent Health Monitoring Robot Was Unveiled at The 13th Congress of Changsha Association for Science and Technology

At the grand opening of the 13th Congress of the Changsha Association for Science and Technology, Guangxi Dynasty made a stunning appearance with its innovative product DR-001 intelligent health monitoring robot, adding a lot of color to the conference. The conference attracted 291 representatives from societies at all levels, scientific research institutions, and corporate research teams across the city, as well as dozens of special guests and media representatives, forming a feast of scientific and technological innovation.

Guest lineup for the opening ceremony
At the opening ceremony, Liu Hui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over it. Tan Weihong, Chairman of the 12th Committee of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, delivered the opening speech, and Peng Juan, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Women's Federation, delivered a congratulatory message. Wang Guishu, Party Secretary and Executive Vice Chairman of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology. Tian Hongqi, Chairman of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, awarded the "Innovation-Driven Demonstration City" plaque to Changsha City on behalf of the China Association for Science and Technology. Wu Guiying, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, also attended the opening ceremony and delivered an important speech.

Highlight products displayed by Guangxi Dynasty
As one of the exhibitors at this conference, Guangxi Dynasty showcased its latest health service robot products, with the DR-001 intelligent health monitoring robot as the focus. This product attracted the attention of many representatives with its full life cycle health service functions.

Participants rushed to experience
Many participants gathered in front of the DR-001 intelligent health monitoring robot booth, and they all rushed to experience this novel technological product. There was a wave of enthusiastic experience at the scene. Through personal experience, the representatives deeply felt the practicality and innovation of this health monitoring robot.

Experts’ In-depth Evaluation of DR-001 Intelligent Health Monitoring Robot

At this congress, Professor Liu Dongbo, chief scientist of the National 973 Project, chairman of the United Nations Asia-Pacific Sub-Health Intervention Technology Alliance, director of the Sub-health Intervention Technology Laboratory of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and expert of Hunan Province's "Hundred Talents Plan", gave a speech on DR-001 Intelligent Health Monitoring robots were evaluated in depth.

Experts’ attention and evaluation
After listening to the introduction of the functions, application scenarios, market development and other aspects of the DR-001 intelligent health monitoring robot, Professor Liu Dongbo personally experienced its blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen detection and video consultation functions. Full affirmation and high praise for this intelligent health monitoring robot.

Technological innovation and achievement transformation
As a national high-tech enterprise, Guangxi Dynasty understands that technological innovation is the key to enterprise development. Professor Liu Dongbo’s full affirmation of DR-001 reflects the huge potential of scientific and technological innovation in the health field. He emphasized that technological innovation is not only the first driving force for development, but also the foundation for the survival and development of enterprises.

Future development direction
During the in-depth discussions and exchanges between experts, the development value and science popularization of DR-001 were discussed in depth. Experts agree that DR-001 has not only made significant progress in technology, but also has broad market prospects in providing comprehensive health services to the public.

Corporate Mission and Responsibility
Guangxi Dynasty stated that it will continue to adhere to the corporate mission of "making practical, easy-to-use, and affordable robots" in the future. They will continue to improve their capabilities in technological innovation and achievement transformation, commit themselves to making more innovative achievements benefit the people, and contribute more "superpowers" to realize the strategic positioning and mission of "Three Highs and Four New" and comprehensively promote the implementation of the "Strong Provincial Capital" strategy. quantity".

Through this congress, the DR-001 intelligent health monitoring robot was successfully unveiled and received high praise from experts and representatives, laying a solid foundation for the future development of Guangxi Dynasty in the field of health technology.

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Post time: Feb-26-2024